More Than Just an Accessory: Bird Banding at the Green Mountain Audubon Center

Environmental Conservation Intern Grace Yaros brings to life a beautiful morning in early August at Audubon’s bird banding station – including the re-banding of a male Veery first encountered at Audubon in 2016.

“Though the exact location of where this particular Veery overwinters is unknown, let’s estimate that he winters somewhere in central Brazil, near the Brazil-Bolivia border, making each trip to his wintering ground around 4,000 miles each way. As of this summer, this bird has flown at least 52,000 miles in his lifetime. For a bird that only weighs around 30 grams (about as much as a lightbulb), that’s pretty impressive.” – Grace Yaros Learn More.

Photo: The 2022 Audubon Vermont Bird Banding team at work: Conservation Program Manager Mark LaBarr records data while Conservation Interns Grace Yaros and Tom Patti, with volunteer Meg Madden, band some birds. Photo: Lynn Attwood